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Learn All The Secrets
How To Get Rich Over 50 Years Old

Thursday, November 22, 2007

well used and old fashioned scientific management by PeopleNology

In our mass-production world of machines and computers the new management
map on people was once rejected, reviled and yet alternately practiced by a few leading
edge companies.

The new-ancient knowledge known as PeopleNology Earth Laws has been discovered
and rediscovered again within many organizations. You will find PeopleNology
undeniably significant today and the next while you build the most fantastic people
company you could ever hope for in the future.

Imagine the contribution of all your people. Their hearts and mind connected joined
with your own new ability to influence their moods, efforts, activities and their ending
results. PeopleNology has attempted over the last thirty years to identify the individual
traits, habits and inclinations of the human being. It seems after all these years, we’re
the instant success.

The well used and old fashioned scientific management that you use today founded
before your grandparents were born has imposed it discipline and binding and attitudes
for most of the 20th century.

The unstoppable assembly line, scientific, control charting, stop watch and clip board
approach to management has fundamental flaws and should be divorced from your
organization. As you try to determine and examine every single task of a project or a
task, draw time lines and fish-bone charts, struggle to understand why things go from
good to bad, other companies are leaving you behind in the dust.