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Learn All The Secrets
How To Get Rich Over 50 Years Old

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hewlette Packard Harrisburg Pa Inkjet Cartridge Wholesale Mechanicsburg Pa Camp Hill Pa

Franchise Authorization granting the Neighborhood Locality Dealership (NLD) of the (NDIT) New Deal Ink and Toner Company 275 Cumberland Parkway # 157, Mechanicsburg Pa 17055, President Gregory Bodenhamer will authorize your very own profit zone, based on your home zip code and its vicinity and other immediate areas and allow you to market and sell New Deal Ink and Toner Company Products and Services for profit within the (NLD)(NDIT) agreements.
The Neighborhood Locality Dealership or Limited Agent of (NDIT) allows the Neighborhood dealer to enjoy the expected profits and friendships without all the complicated contracts, inventory costs, cash management systems.
The Neighborhood Locality Dealership Home Based Business Opportunity by New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pa gives you, without cost, all your start up materials, without any franchise fees, no machinery to purchase or lease and most important inventory to buy. You do not need a credit card, there are no small print contacts to sign and you do not need any money to get started.
For the first time, the honest home based business opportunity, within a growing and profitable market can be yours for the asking. New Deal Ink and Toner Company needs quality people to help sell and profit our business. As a Neighborhood Locality Dealership you can offer your customers a great bargain on inkjet printer ink cartridges that saves them a great deal of money.
HP02 CYAN $9.99
HP02 MAGENTA $9.99
HP02 YELLOW $9.99
HP02 LT CYAN $9.99
HP02 BLACK $13.99
HP10 CYAN $12.99
HP10 MAGENTA $12.99
HP10 YELLOW $12.99
HP10 BLACK $16.99
HP11 CYAN $12.99
HP11 MAGENTA $12.99
HP11 YELLOW $12.99
HP11/10 BLACK $16.99
HP14 COLOR $24.99
HP14 BLACK $24.99
HP15 BLACK $9.99

When they buy our products, you get paid, and you get paid weekly.
New Deal Ink and Toner Company needs limited agents.
Please email; newdealinktoner@Live.com for further information.
HP17 COLOR $19.99
HP20 BLACK $19.99
HP21 BLACK $15.99
HP22 COLOR $17.99
HP23 COLOR $17.99
HP21 BLACK $15.99
HP22 COLOR $17.99
HP23 COLOR $17.99
HP25 COLOR $19.99
HP26 BLACK $16.99
HP27 BLACK $17.99
HP28 COLOR $19.99
HP29 BLACK $16.99
HP40 BLACK $19.99
HP40 CYAN $19.99
HP40 MAGENTA $19.99
HP40 YELLOW $19.99
HP41 COLOR $24.99
HP45 BLACK $7.99
HP49 COLOR $19.99
HP54 BLACK $17.99
HP56 BLACK $14.99
HP57 COLOR $16.99
HP58 PHOTO $17.99
HP60 BLACK $12.99
HP60XL BLACK $16.99
HP60 COLOR $15.99
HP60XL COLOR $19.99
HP74 BLACK $17.99
HP74XL BLACK $24.99
HP75 COLOR $18.99
HP75XL COLOR $24.99
HP78 COLOR $16.99
HP80 CYAN $74.99
HP80 MAGENTA $74.99
HP80 YELLOW $74.99
HP80 BLACK $69.99
HP81 BLACK $79.99
HP81 CYAN $99.99
HP81 MAGENTA $99.99
HP81 YELLOW $99.99
HP81 LT CYAN $94.95
HP81 LT MAGENTA $94.95
HP83 BLACK $129.99
HP83 CYAN $149.99
HP83 MAGENTA $149.99
HP83 YELLOW $149.99
HP83 LT CYAN $149.99
HP83 LT MAGENTA $149.99
HP88 BLACK $14.99
HP88XL BLACK $18.99
HP88XL CYAN $15.99
HP88XL YELLOW $15.99
HP92 BLACK $14.99
HP93 COLOR $16.99
HP94 BLACK $15.99
HP95 COLOR $16.99
HP96 L BLACK $15.99
HP97 L COLOR $16.99
HP98 BLACK $15.99
HP99 PHOTO $16.99
HP100 PHOTO $19.99
HP110 COLOR $19.99
HP901 BLACK $14.99
HP901XL BLACK $16.99
HP901 COLOR $19.99

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