Learn All The Secrets

Learn All The Secrets
How To Get Rich Over 50 Years Old

Monday, October 22, 2012

NDITC Start Inkjet Toner Small Business Both men and woman, working or not working, continue to register http://www.newdealink.com/register.php with NDITC every week and have removed their resumes from the piles of countless economic slaves that still follow the rules into bankruptcy. Millions or people are under-employed or unemployed and are trying to hold on by using SNAP food stamps to feed their families. Many millions of people have lost their long standing jobs and family incomes and they never missed a day’s work in the life. As they look for a job they run into many countless obstacles; “your over qualified” “you’re too old now” “they don’t have a college degree” “they’ve been unemployed too long” and a host of other reasons. As these same people, that need money, toil day and night searching “Monster” or “Career Builders” they have started to see the light even in the middle of their long unemployed nights of worry.

Millionaires of America

Heavy golden nuggets are right under your feet, right outside your front door so take a minute and learn how to become a millionaire today. Stagger your imagination and learn about how to create wealth while working from home operating your own small inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business.

There is a dramatic reason that big box retailers like Wal-Mart, Staples, Best Buy, Office Depot, Office Max and others have pushed their way into your neighborhood. The fortune 500 business explorer Gregory Bodenhamer after a series of adventures with major global organizations started a national consulting business for people, people just like you.

This famous business planner has located the exact spot where you can become a millionaire and create your own cash income without a resume, without a job and most importantly without a boss that at times can become volcanic and fire you, cut your hours, decrease your pay and take away your healthcare.

Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC understands the great fortunes in sales and cash profits waiting for you that almost staggers the imagination until you learn the secrets.

Both men and woman, working or not working, continue to register http://www.newdealink.com/register.php  with NDITC every week and have removed their resumes from the piles of countless economic slaves that still follow the rules into bankruptcy. Millions or people are under-employed or unemployed and are trying to hold on by using SNAP food stamps to feed their families.  Many millions of people have lost their long standing jobs and family incomes and they never missed a day’s work in the life. As they look for a job they run into many countless obstacles; “your over qualified” “you’re too old now” “they don’t have a college degree” “they’ve been unemployed too long” and a host of other reasons. As these same people, that need money, toil day and night searching “Monster” or “Career Builders” they have started to see the light even in the middle of their long unemployed nights of worry.

NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company and associated groups like NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships along with NSRA Non-Store Retailers Association was created almost seven years ago by Gregory Bodenhamer to explore the global organizations like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Rocoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and more.

His distinguished research and development findings were first published in the white paper “Billion Dollar Ink” years ago and started to reveal the almost unbelievable story of global wealth, environmental disasters, slave labor, child labor and other great concerns in lost cities inside some of the harshest countries on earth. As an expert business archaeologist he dug around the world, including the United States and discovered the greatest available wealth ready for the taking.  One of his major objects was to plan, start, sustain and provide factual information and little known knowledge “Secrets” about the objectives and wealth creation secrets of global fortune 500 companies.  Buried deep within the tombs of global marketing, sales and operational plans, blueprints and schemes of the Fortune 500 giants tiny little facts started to reveal a giant puzzle of wealth and fortune.

This unbelievable story of Original Equipment Manufacturing “O.E.M.’s and their supply chain global partners like Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target and hundreds of others supplied the original treasure map that you can now learn about and become a Millionaire in America.

These organizations, corporations, global international enterprises have become wealthy monarchs just like you would find in the history books learning about King Tut, Hannibal, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Solomon and even the queen of Sheba with their vast millions of slaves and their tons of golden ornaments which made them famous and evil at times.


The global organizations “O.E.M.’s” Original Equipment Manufacturing companies like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Rocoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and more combined with their global supply chain, global distribution, global fulfillment and global retail partners like Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target and hundreds of others have created global monarchs. 

If you can imagine ancient caravan trails carrying spices that crisscrossed the ancient world you can also visualize modern global supply chain providers “FedEx” “U.P.S.” using ships, trains, trucks and planes carrying today’s valuable products around the globe today. All these companies combined and joined with countries like communist China, communist Vietnam and other origins of slave-type labor, no child protection laws, no minimum wage requirements, no maximum hour rules have spent billions of dollars to penetrate your local neighborhoods including your own home today.  NDITC NAND NSRA found the valuable clues to wealth at first seeming mysterious but later to be revealed as secret whispers that nobody talks about.

From company to company these manufacturing secrets, slave-type labor pools, supply chain and distribution secrets and retailer marketing and sales secrets really were just whispers around the global conference tables of ownership, wall-street bankers, corporate executives and executive managers and strategic business planners.

These same groups were foolhardy enough to employee slave-type labor to create American consumer goods like inkjet and laser toner printers, copiers, fax machines and the wealth creation consumer products you know as printer, copier and fax cartridges.

To penetrate these mysterious business secrets took thousands of hours and experts in business management, distribution and fulfillment, wholesale and retail supply chain management.

All the clues revealed a well traveled trail back to communist China and their slave-type labor pool.  We discovered grown men in China earning $0.25 cents an hour sweeping up factory floors. Children were being used for up to sixteen hours a day to work in the factories that made the products on American retail shelves.  This back-door to slave-type labor is destroying the United States, reducing your home-town to village levels and will in time destroy your own personal income and life-style.

These industrial “Sultans” have become rulers of the manufacturing base and employee millions and millions of people outside of the United States.  As an American consumer of inkjet and laser toner printer, copier and fax cartridges you too are a victim of the global and corrupt enterprises you can learn about. With the unforeseen difficulty in the discovery process the facts of wealth have truly come to light.  The public financial statements reveal great wealth and mystery at the same time. The required financial statements reveal the great changes in the world economy and the great recession may claim giants like Office Depot and Lexmark because the murderous global market is about gold and cash money and not excuses or bad ideas.

This global market conflict is also an endless chain of O.E.M.’s and their supply chain partners with the hidden deals buried in the formalities of contracts and buying agreements and diplomatic actions of B2B corporate sales people making deals and planning the death of entire industries.

When you explore these forbidden areas of knowledge two global enterprise names show up as the “Emperors” of this forbidden area of great wealth and opportunity. 

The global organizations “O.E.M.’s” Original Equipment Manufacturing companies like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Rocoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and more combined with their global supply chain, global distribution, global fulfillment and global retail partners like Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target and hundreds of others have created global monarchs but remember thousands of American companies play the same game.  General Motors, Sears, K-Mart, Radio Shack all play with the same deck of economic cards.

If you became properly supplied with a really good small business plan you can break through the barriers that these global giants have constructed around their wealth creating system.  The interior of their plans are simple to understand once you read the guides, manuals and instructions that NDITC publishes for their registered clients.

Any NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company small business plans are really your escort into your own money making business.  These blueprints, business plans, guidebooks, business manuals, seminar presentations and articles work like they’re your personal and official passport into the copier, printer and fax inkjet and laser toner cartridge business. It was always reported that the old men of global industry “Sultans” were owners of secret gold mines and believe me it’s within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business segments.

These fantastic MONEY MAKERS from NDITC even convince the skeptical minded when they realize that you can purchase an inkjet printer cartridge (brand new) for $0.43 cents each that retails for $20 to $25 at every big box retail store in America today. Amazed at his own discovery Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC NAND NSRA founder and owner immediately opened his own chain of retail outlets for inkjet and toner printer cartridges.  “It was truly like washing out gold from streams of customers” he reported after only a few months in business. This entire astounding spectacle of buying at the factory wholesale rates and selling copier, fax and printer inkjet and toner printer cartridges turned into hieroglyphics on note pads first and then world-class blueprints and small business plans.

While the notes were grinding away the story he also found retailers in several counties that wanted and needed new product lines to increase their own gross sales and net profits.

NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company was the first company to develop the NAND North American Neighborhood Dealership programs where fellow business owners could quickly expand their business and create more and more profits. The excitement around NDITC NAND NSRA Non-Store Retailers Association and their publications are now considered the bible of the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business.  Regular honest and hard working people became NDITC students first and then private and independent business owners.  There is “virgin gold” in your neighborhood if you want to mark the rocks first and then we’ll teach you how to go back and get new customers, gross revenues and most importantly profits.

Simply register your home zip code.



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